Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Perfect Day

The perfect day is a day when I could just live my life myself. Having no one around but just me. The perfect day and the things I am going to do is leave out of Chicago for the summer take a trip around the other cities and just have a blast. I am going to things that I haven't been able to do. Be along on a trip by myself go shopping everywhere and to just relax. For me my perfect day isn't really to much but, to get away from crazy people and to just get away.


Princess#1 said...

Chassidy Girl i think the same thing but know i can 4get about it. But when i get to my Senior year girl me and my baby and bay dady are going to do the same things travel around the world and if he don't want to cum then i'm going to invite you. luv always!!!!!!!!!

Corn said...

whats up g

Tay5 said...

Your perfect day sounds good, but wouldn't you atleast want to be around one person?