Monday, April 7, 2008

My dream college...

My dream college would be to attend Columbia college in the loop. The reason why this is my dream college is because I love Columbia in that school seems very exciting to me. It seems like it would be fun to go there. And also the reason why is columbia is one of the best schools in Chicago. College is the next big step in my life and I plan to go and reach my goals. However when I do apply for college for college I hope that school excepts me.

This summer I plan to.....

This summer I plan to do a lot of things. I would continue to work and have fun doing that. I also plan to celebrate my birthday big over the summer with my boyfriend. And just hang out with my friends over the summer. Also go to the movies, the beach, parties and etc. I would also be preparing for school for my last year. Researching colleges and just living my life to the fullest and just to enjoy my summer and have fun.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My favorite place to shop.

My favorite place to shop is at Old Navy. The reason why is because I love their style of clothes. Old Navy has a different style of clothes than all of these other clothes. When I shop at Old Navy I could find all of the things that I need. That includes clothes, shoes, bags, lingerie, accesories. Also when I choose to shop there I could find things on sale which includes there great sales on everything in the store. ''Old Navy is my favorite place to shop.''

Monday, March 31, 2008

"A real friend is one who walks in when the world walks out."

--Walfer Winchell.

This is one of my favorite quotes because it tells you a lot about who a friend is. If your friend is true to you and your friendship then you two have a good friendship. A good friend is around all of the time to help you with your problems. They are there to stay by your side at all times, and they are there when nobody is around. They listen to no other persons B.S. This qoute means that your friend would be around all of the time and anytime when the rest of your so-called friends walk away from you.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Ultimate Driving Experience

The driving experience was me with 50 Cent. I was driving a 08 lexus with dark windows. We both were going around the world on empty roads just driving fast. It felt amazing because I was driving, also in a cool car with my favorite celebrity 50 Cent. The smell was like a new car smell mixed with the smell of him. As we drove on the dirt roads riding fast, we just saw each other with the sun shining in our face. The emotions I had were out of control it was crazy I enjoyed every bit of it and wouldn't change it for nothing. It wouldn't matter because we both woould be driving together again.

"My Life as a Movie"

Plot Summary:Chasidy Jones (Bianca Winston) lives the life of love and betrayal. Living in the suburbs in her home town of New York, where her mother is a doctor in father is a laywer she lives her life paid n full. But on the other hand Bianca is smart and intelligent goes to school all the time and gets all A's, but the onlything is she attends a ghetto High School (Lincoln Park High), where the love of her life also attends, (Michael Woods). But as she goes on threw high school her life changes hard. A drug dealer Toney a.k.a Tone comes into her life, and she takes him by the hand, Bianca feels that she is in love but she really isn't until her life goes down into shame, hurt, defeat and death.

Cast: Actor Character
Mekihi Phifier James Winston
Gabrielle Union Chanel Winston
Raven Symone Ashley Brown
Curtis Jackson Toney
Jamal Harris Michael Woods
Chasidy Jones Bianca Winston

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Experience with a Role Model.

My experience that I had with a treacher was my AVID teacher. Mrs. Moursette is a role model to me because she has helped me a lot this year as being a junior. The reason I have had a good experience with her because I came in not knowing anything. She talked to us and explained how to handle life, school, and other things in our life. As for me being a junior it's almost time for me to graduate from H.S. I have one more year. She is helping me with finding out many ways to get ready for college because it's around the corner. She has teached me a lot about school and is helping to prepare me for more. I have learned a lot from her these pass years since I have had her. I hope to stay focused and to continue to learn more.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why appearance is not so important?

Appearance is not so important because you cant get anywhere based on your appearance. If you choose to get places using that you wouldn't get far. You should never judge a book by it's cover. And never judge someone by there appearance because it's not right. If you know that you are special and got every thing you need you shouldn't be thinking about it because it's not everything. Apperance is not important if you are pretty. Always believe in yourself and never worry about what someone thinks about you.


If I were a month I would be: July;
If I were a day of the week I would be: Saturday;
If I were a time of day I would be: 9.00 o’ clock
If I were a sea animal I would be: penguin
If I were a historical figure I would be: Malcolm X
If I were a stone or gem, I would be: a diamond
If I were a bird, I would be: swan
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: sunflower
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: summer
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: flute
If I were an animal, I would be: cheetah

If I were a color, I would be: red
If I were an emotion, I would be: happy
If I were a vegetable, I would be: carrot
If I were a sound, I would be: beat If I were a car, I would be: Solana
If I were a song, I would be: WHY?
If I were a movie, I would be: Paid N Full
If I were a food, I would be: chicken
If I were a place, I would be: Six Flags Great America
If I were a material or fabric, I would be: silk
If I were a scent, I would be: fresh sunflower
If I were a word, I would be: mature
If I were a subject in school I would be: Reading
If I were a comic book character I would be: fashion
If I were a shape I would be: star

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Best time ever in my life.

The Best time I ever had in my life was when I had first went to Six Flags. I had went with friends and a group of friends from there church. It was the best time ever because it was my first time going there. I had enjoyed being there in a big amusement park with big rides. It was kind of amazing to see huge rides like that and I was kind of scared to get on. After we played games I heard that the rides made some people sick. I decided that I was ready to get on some of the rides. After the first ride it was fun, so me and the rest of my friends had got on every ride that was there. It was the best time ever because I hadn't experienced nothing so fun like that before so I can't wait to go back it was the best time ever.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day to all. Valentines Day is a day when you spend it with someone you love the most you go out together and have a nice time. To me Valentines Day is a very special day to me because I have someone to spend it with and who I really love my (boyfriend). Everyone should go out enjoy evrything and have a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Perfect Day

The perfect day is a day when I could just live my life myself. Having no one around but just me. The perfect day and the things I am going to do is leave out of Chicago for the summer take a trip around the other cities and just have a blast. I am going to things that I haven't been able to do. Be along on a trip by myself go shopping everywhere and to just relax. For me my perfect day isn't really to much but, to get away from crazy people and to just get away.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

In what ways has this school year lived up to yous expections ? In what ways has it not?

I haved lived up to being an excellant student, staying focused, and having good grades. For me staying on track is what its all about. There isn't nothing that has not been bad for me all I have to do is stay focused.